Security Tips To Use When Using Transportation Services In An Unfamiliar Area


If you are planning on traveling in the near future and you are wary about being on your own in an area you are unfamiliar with, you will want to take safety precautions to keep yourself from becoming a victim of theft. When getting rides to and from your destinations, there are several steps you can take to improve your chances of a safe ride. Here are some tips to use when getting transportation in a strange town on your own.

Call For Pickup Service Instead Of Hailing A Cab To Get To Your Destination

Consider calling a chauffeured vehicle to pick you up instead of relying on a cab company. You will be ensured the vehicle you get into is accounted for by the business the driver works for. It is risky to try to hail a cab in an area you are unfamiliar with. There may be scams in process where someone drives around looking for people with expensive looking pocketbooks, laptop bags, or briefcases. They will then alert a partner in a vehicle painted like a cab to come by to see if the person wants a ride. The person may then be robbed after leaving the area. Instead of taking this risk, call a reputable transportation company in advance. The driver will have been screened in depth by the transportation company, giving you the security you desire when travelling in an unfamiliar area. You will also have the benefit in reserving the same driver to bring you to different areas if you wish.

Check For Credentials And Equipment Before Getting Inside The Vehicle

If you do decide to take a cab, take a peek inside the vehicle before you get inside to sit down. Make sure they are equipped with a dispatching radio and meter on the dashboard. There should also be an identification card placed in a visible location. Take a look at the photograph to match it with the person claiming to be your driver. If any of these items are not visible in the vehicle, politely tell the driver you forgot something and will no longer be needing a ride. Call the cab company to confirm your cancellation and to see if they did indeed send a driver. If not, call local authorities to alert them of the impostor.

Sit In The Back Seat And Hide Items From Sight

When you get into a cab, do not sit in the front. This will put you more at risk for a potential robbery. Instead, sit in the middle of the backseat. This way you are not at risk for someone opening the door and stealing from you if you are distracted. It is best to keep your cell phone in your pocket, out of view. If you are carrying a laptop or another expensive item, keep it under your jacket or between your feet as you ride so it is out of view of the driver. When you have a chauffeured vehicle, you have the option in using a security shield between you and the front seat, allowing your belongings and your personal business to be safely tucked out of view as you enjoy your ride.


9 December 2016

Surviving a Move

Twelve years ago, I moved to a new location. At first the change was extremely frightening. However, I quickly fell in love with my new hometown. Are you planning an upcoming move? If you don’t own an automobile, you might worry how you’re going to get from one place to another one in your new location. Thankfully, many larger areas have numerous forms of transportation to help you get where you need to go. For instance, in your new city, you might be able to utilize taxi cabs, subways, or buses. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of using several common types of transportation.