3 Tips to Avoid Extra Costs When Renting a Dumpster


If you are thinking about renting a dumpster for a household project, you might be worried about the cost. Luckily, a dumpster rental can be more affordable than many people realize, especially if you are careful to avoid extra costs and fees. These are three tips that can help you avoid these extra costs.

1. Choose a Big Enough Dumpster

First of all, make sure that you rent a big enough dumpster for your needs. It can be tempting to rent a smaller dumpster so that you can save a little bit of money, but if you rent a too-small dumpster and fill it up with too much debris and garbage, you might be charged a fee for the extra weight. It's generally going to be cheaper to go ahead and rent a bigger dumpster so that you don't have to worry about overfilling it.

2. Make Drop-Off and Pickup Easy

If the company has to spend more time and effort to drop off your dumpster and pick it up, you might be charged an extra fee. Therefore, you need to first pick out where you want the dumpster to be dropped off, and you should be available to point this area out when the dumpster is dropped off. Additionally, you'll want to make sure that there isn't anything in the way that will have to be moved when the dumpster is dropped off or picked up.

3. Avoid Throwing Away Prohibited Items

Your dumpster-rental company should give you a list of items that you are not supposed to throw away in the dumpster, such as chemicals or paint. Some dumpster-rental companies offer special construction dumpsters with fewer restrictions, so if this is something that you will need, it is best to go ahead and ask for it when you rent your dumpster. Then you can avoid getting charged for disposing of the wrong materials, and you can help ensure that the items that you throw away are disposed of in a proper manner, which can help prevent environmental issues.

Renting a dumpster does not have to be expensive, but if you want to keep costs reasonable, it's important to avoid getting charged extra fees. Luckily, choosing the right dumpster-rental company and following these three tips can help you keep costs as low as possible when you rent a dumpster, whether you are doing it for a big clean-up, a home renovation, or any other reason.

Visit with professionals such as A & N Trailer Leasing Co Inc to compare companies. 


1 December 2016

Surviving a Move

Twelve years ago, I moved to a new location. At first the change was extremely frightening. However, I quickly fell in love with my new hometown. Are you planning an upcoming move? If you don’t own an automobile, you might worry how you’re going to get from one place to another one in your new location. Thankfully, many larger areas have numerous forms of transportation to help you get where you need to go. For instance, in your new city, you might be able to utilize taxi cabs, subways, or buses. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of using several common types of transportation.